My afternoons always varied, sometimes drinks at a bar, or more pool time. The beach in Patong is really nice, but very sandy water, so you can't snorkel. It's also a little too hot for me to hangout there for more than 45 minutes. Also, you can't leave anything alone on the beach because it will be stolen. So the pool is a great option.
The one after noon an older Aussie guy came over to me at the pool and started a conversation. He ended up inviting me to join him and his friends at Roscoe's pub later that day to watch the rugby game and of coarse I did this. Pierre and his friend Phil were really cool Aussies. Phil's team was loosing, so we kindly reminded him of this throughout the game. My favorite line was, "Which team is yours? Oh, is that the one with the score 0 beside their names?" It was a great game and a lot of fun with some new friends.
The next day they invited me again to watch another Rugby game. When I arrived at the sports bar, Pierre says, "Oh no!" and then I realized why he said it.

Yes, this was not planned, but somehow we all dressed alike. These two guys are pretty amazing and damn nice guys.
The one day I went for a massage on the road my hotel is on. Normally I would never do this as most massage places are also happy ending places and if turn them down, it becomes awkward walking past them. Like the old saying, "Don't shit where you eat!". However, the reason I went to this location is because there is a girl I see everyday and she is always smiling and never harasses me for a massage. The one day she offered me some grapes when I was walking by. She seemed like such a good person, I thought why not.
So this is how it went. The massage was supposed to be an hour, but she gave me well over and hour and then never asked for more money or a tip. She also was such a sweetheart, asking about my life, if I would ever date a Thai girl, and telling me about her life. She is the same age as me, and has never been married and has no kids. We had such a good conversation, I thought, why not take her out for dinner. Who knows, maybe someday we will meet again.
Well, that was a big mistake! We agreed to meet here at 4 pm, and when I showed up. She tells me she can't leave work unless I pay for the time. Which actually makes sense since they do not get time off for lunch, type of thing. Then she begins to tell me, she works 11am to 11pm, and we can meet after work. I agreed and said, that works just fine.
At 11pm I meet her and she tells me, she doesn't drink. Well there isn't much to do in the area that time of night because it is so damn noisy from music, and the drunks. We decide to just hang out at the hotel.
Our conversation continued from earlier about dating, and moving to Canada, that sort of thing. All speculation, but she was curious how hard it would be if we did end up dating in the future. That sort of thing.
Anyways, the night progressed and she ended up staying here until the morning.
This is where it truly goes down hill.
Just before she leaves, she holds out her hand. I look at her and ask what she wants. I was going to give her some money for lunch, because I know she doesn't have much. But then she says, she wants a few hundread Euros. I laugh because I thought she was joking, and then she made it obvious she is not kidding and tells me her time is not free and we hung out all night.
At this point I explain to her, she never said anything like this before and I was sure she was not a hooker. It doesn't get any better, and she shows me video of cops beating tourist up and other things to somewhat threaten me. At this point I truly know I was played. Something I never thought would ever happen.
I only had a few 100 baht on me and offered her it in hopes to resolve this. She then tells me she does not want it, unless it is full amount. I told her, I do not have the full amount and would never pay for her anyways. I also told her I showed my intentions from the beginning, and it was clearly not for a hooker.
She become even more frustrated and leaves without me paying her anything.
This is where my mind starts to play tricks. I start asking myself, "What is she going to do?" I know Thai police have killed several expats and tourist over the years, and even a few this year. All were up north, not down here. Either way, if she decides to tell the police something, Thais stick together and who knows what will happen.
The other scenario is she waits for me to walk down the street and have some thugs follow me, and I know this is very common and happened only a few weeks ago in Patong. Two guys got stabbed and one killed.
Well, I decided to stay in the hotel that day and just swim in the pool and hope for the best.
It is now the day after and no police, so I think I am safe in that scenario, but I still don't know if I can walk down the street without being harassed or possibly worse.
I still have to catch a taxi to my flight to Amsterdam, which means walking down that street.
I will tell you this, I was definitely a little worried shit might hit the fan, but with luck, all was OK.
If you are reading this and think you can meet a girl in Thailand for friends and maybe more, those are only 1% of the city population. Always ask upfront two major questions, are you a ladyboy and are you a hooker? These two questions will save you. I only asked the one question.
Lesson learned!
I still have that last step, to catch a taxi to the airport, but I have a gut feeling all will be fine.
Anyways, Thailand has some amazing scenery, great food and some very interesting people. From my short stay here, I would be very careful traveling here. It is a safe country, but the people are almost always out to get more out of you, than expected. So be smart, enjoy the view, and be prepared to spend a little more then your budgeted. Thailand is the one country I don't have any solid plans on coming back too.
Don't forget to check out my short click on Patong Beach, just click here.
My next post should be from Amsterdam. Hello Peter and family, here I come.
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